Selinsgrove Bash  Grass Volleyball Tournament

  2001 Bash Winners


Men's Opens


1st Place Winner - Mike Bergey and Eric Yoder 

2nd - Rob O' Connel and Shane Ettinger

3rd - Dean Yoder and Matt Reigle

4th - Bruce Teats and Nate Lemon


Men's A Winners


1st Place Winners - Paul Eberhart and Josh Boyle

2nd - Andy Portzline and Kevin Hertzler

3rd - Jeremy Zeigler and Andy Dressler

4th - Wes Stayer and John Riggs


Men's BB Winners

1st - Robert Kerstetter and Scott Stonebraker

2nd - Matt Smith and Rich Reichenbach

3rd - Norm Moyer and Cory Moyer

4th - Matt Herrold and Joey Hunsberger

